Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Graphic Design Final Reflection

       This year in graphic design we completed many projects and learned lots of new techniques. Sometimes there were challenges and other times things were much easier. Here is a recap of things learned and my strengths and weaknesses.



       Technology is very important when it comes to graphic design. I learned many new things in programs, such as, Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and even Illustrator. The thing that helped me learn about these programs the best was just diving in and trying things out. I also had to ask for help a few times because I couldn't always do it on my own. In InDesign specifically, I learned how to use character and paragraph styles. These two things really come in handy when using lots of type. For example, we used these things in projects like our menu redesign and our non-profit brochures, newsletters, and other projects. I learned about character and paragraph styles because our teacher went over it and helped us get started using them. It was very important to learn this technique because it makes constructing a project with lots of type much easier and cleaner. There were challenges to learning this. Some of the challenges were having trouble with lining up the type wanted and using multiple styles for the project.


       Collaboration is helpful, as well. We needed to collaborate in critiques and be able to accept those critiques well. Although, we did not do any group projects, this skill still comes in handy when working around a lot of other people. The best way for me to learn collaboration is to jump right into a group setting and experience it myself. It is a very important thing to know how to do, as it will help you grow as a graphic designer. Graphic designers spend a lot of their time with other designers and clients. The challenge for collaborating is taking advice and critiques on a project. Sometimes it can be very frustrating when I like a design I made but the person I am making it for does not.


       Communication is a key factor in a good graphic designer. This is learned by starting with communicating between the instructor. After that is mastered, real clients will be easier to communicate with. Communication is important because it takes communication to know what a client wants in a project, when the deadline is, the size, color, etc. The challenge in this for me is that sometimes asking a question can make me nervous and I want to just be able to do it by myself.

Project Management

       Project management is huge! It is necessary to be organized and on time with projects. Project management can be learned by having better organization and staying on task. Don't get distracted easily or it will set you back on your project. This is important in meeting deadlines. If there isn't good project management then most likely the deadline won't be met. Meeting deadlines is important! There are many challenges in this area. Sometimes you may be piled up with multiple projects and that can make it difficult to choose what to work on. Another challenge is staying organized when you have many projects, and also not getting distracted because that will cut your time fast.


       Leadership is another great thing to learn. This is sometimes a hard thing to do, as some people, like myself, can be shy to step up and lead. I think the best way to learn it is to get to know your peers. Once you know everyone it makes it much easier to talk in front of them. Leadership is important because it keeps everyone organized. Without leadership things get messy. I still face the challenge of trying to be a leader. Also, some people are more natural at it and don't let others have the chance to step up.


       Now, here are some of my strengths and weaknesses. My strengths are meeting deadlines and remembering to put projects up on Behance. Some improvements I have made would include better graphics on my work and turning projects in on time. Some of my weaknesses include asking questions more often and speaking up more. For example, I could improve in critiques by speaking up more. I could also start asking more people for help in different software programs.

My Plan?

       What I plan on doing with what I've learned is improving my Behance, cleaning up projects that have been critiqued again, and trying to step up more often. I also plan on trying to be more of a leader next year because I will be a senior.


       If there was anything I would change, I would change the fact that I didn't always ask questions and I didn't speak my mind much during critiques. I would change this because I feel that if I had asked more questions then some of my projects might look better. Also, I would've talked more in critiques because sometimes it could've benefited someone to hear advice.


       In conclusion, I have learned a ton out of graphic design. From freshman year until now my work has improved amazingly and I learn something new each day. I have also built many meaningful friendships through e-Comm that I will never forget. Some projects take weeks and some take months but all those hours of working on huge projects and the frustration that comes with it is all worth it in the end. Being able to look back on the accomplishments is the best feeling in the world.

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