Monday, May 16, 2016

Personal Blog

     For this project we were to create a skit that involved an actor, a 3D animation model, an explosion, and there was supposed to be audio/sound. My partners were Emily and Hannah. My role in the making of this film was to create a 3D model of a UFO.

     The story behind our skit was of a pizza deliverer going to deliver some pizza to someone. They never answered the door and then she hears a strange noise. She runs out into the street and notices a giant UFO. It shoots her and she and the pizza blow up.

     I made the UFO animation in Maya and also After Effects. I also added a glow to the lights to make it not so dull. In Maya I had to make the UFO move back and for using keyframes. When I moved it over to After Effects I  needed to only render it out. Them at that point we were able to import it into our video, which was made in After Effects as well.

     Something I learned doing this project was to manage my time better. I needed to stay after school a few times to get it done. Another thing I learned, was how to add a glow to lights and also how to make more than just a line movement when using keyframes.

     Overall, I thought this project was pretty fun. I loved being able to use the green screen and that it wasn't a super serious project. I liked how it was in teams and we also had a little more freedom in the creating of our video and story.

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