Monday, December 7, 2015

Texts and Masks

In this project we were to move an image into a text. To do this I had to insert an image, create a clipping mask, a textbox, and move the image up. The purpose of this project was to learn more about clipping masks and how to use them. You can also use them when creating a gradient on an object. The reason I chose clouds was because I could keep it simple but yet still unique. You wouldn't want like a whole phrase but rather just a word or two. I really enjoyed this project and the turn outs of this. I did go through some obstacles during the process of making these. First, I wanted to do a nature type or something with trees and water. The problem with that was that it made it very hard to read. And, of course, if it's hard to read then nobody will enjoy it. That is why I chose clouds, because it has a nice empty space, perfect for the text.

Here is my original gradient.

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