Thursday, September 3, 2015

Finding Nemo Animations-Proffesional Project

                                        Finding Nemo 

              For this blog I chose to explain what kind of work goes into animating for the movie, Finding Nemo. A quick summary of this video is that the directors and animators explained how they created the animations in this movie. These people had to use lots of different techniques to create this film. Making a film like this takes about two years and a ton of work. These animators tell about what they need to do to know how to animate the movie and they talk about what some of the parts of animation they use. Before the animators can even start to animate the fish and the settings of the movie, they are told that they need to experience the ocean first hand. So that's what they did.  Once they had a good idea of the images they would need to animate then they started story boarding and making sure they had the story exactly how they wanted it. For the digital animation part of making the film they needed to focus on these things majorly: pacing of the film, motion, range of underwater color to track where the character is/was, lighting, surges/swells back and forth, matter and style of the water, facial expressions, and shading and texture. That's a long list. To put these elements in short, animators for this movie had to be very precise in the motion of a fish and in what underwater life is actually like. The story that was told was how animators created Finding Nemo and what they had to do to get to a point of creating it. One element of this that I can apply to my work is to get a real life feel of what life around me is like and make my animations come to life better. Another element that I have already learned is that you need to story board your idea before you start to actually create it. The creators did a really good job of making the movie seem like it was coming to life but not making it too realistic to where it doesn't seem like an animation anymore. That's because they took the time to go out and experience what they needed to for the film. It could improve by maybe not taking so long to get the job done. To conclude, I think this was a really well done movie and Finding Nemo is now probably one of my favorite animated films.

Finding Nemo  ( just watch part 1)

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