Friday, April 10, 2015

DubFresh Commercial

The product for our group is called DubFresh. These products are toothbrushes that are designed to play music as you are brushing your teeth. The music can be whatever is desired but it is mostly dub step. The concept of the commercial is to show a teenage boy that doesn't want to brush his teeth getting a new toothbrush and enjoying brushing his teeth. The commercial is convincing people to get a toothbrush that their teens will enjoy and will encourage them to brush their teeth more often. Our slogan is "Toothtunes for Teens". DubFresh is a toothbrush that plays music to encourage teenagers to brush their teeth every night for the rest of their life. Teens will enjoy listening to their favorite music while improving their physical health and whitening their teeth. This product goes out to a greater audience. The audience of teens rather than that of younger kids or adults.

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