Wednesday, January 21, 2015

6 Shot System

The 6 shots in the 6 Shot System are a medium, close up, extra close up, over the shoulder, wide, and extra wide shot.  The abbreviations for these are MS, CU, XCU, OTS, WS, and XWS.  The medium shot is the hips and above, close up is just the head and a tiny bit of shoulders, extra close up is always of the hands, over the shoulder is just above a shoulder and shows what the person is doing and shows part of their face but not all of it, wide shows the whole body, and lastly, extra wide shows the whole person but also showing the setting.  I learned that this system is supposed to be quick and to keep the viewers attention.  What I will do next time is make sure the shots are accurate and that there aren't items in the setting that we don't want in the shots.

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