Friday, December 16, 2016

Semester Reflection

What did we do?

This semester in Graphic Design we had a Name Typography project, Rebranding project, and are now working on designing menus for restaurants.

Name Typography

         In this project we were to take characteristics/interests of ourselves and put it into a clear representation in our name, through manipulating fonts. This project took about 3-4 weeks, as it was the first one. We took a few days to sketch, then about a week to find and manipulate fonts, then a day to critique our work, and another couple of days to clean up our project. Once everything was how we wanted it to look, we mounted our work, and published our designs onto Behance. Some challenges I faced during this project were, not quite knowing how to manipulate fonts, and bringing in images to image trace them. When I figured out how to do these things the project became much easier. I learned how to manipulate fonts, image trace and expand images in Illustrator. Some feedback I was given was to not focus so much on a graphic in my project but the type, and making it flow better. Something I changed was that I didn’t put as many graphics on my project and I used more type manipulations. My overall opinion on this process and project was that it really helped me branch out more into typography and I learned a lot about type and manipulating type.


         In this project we were to seek out a company that did not have a well designed logo, re-design it, and then create more appealing packaging for that company. This project in total took around 8 weeks. We needed to start with sketches, then move to working it out on the computer in black and white, then add color, make multiple concepts, critiques, editing from critiques, labels, putting the labels on the bottles, photography of the bottles, and finally putting the project up on Behance. Some challenges I faced making this project would be making the label. I don’t feel that before this project that I was good at labels so making my own was difficult. On the way, I learned to look at lots of different labels online for inspiration. It is much harder without inspiration. Some feedback given to me was to change the white bottle labels I had, to black. This, I think, added a much more professional feel and look to my final product. I did end up changing the labels to black and I also changed some positions of words on my labels. Overall, I think the design process was really well formatted. I think it was good to go in steps, like we did. I am pretty confident in my final product and I think this was a fun project.


         This project we just started. We are creating a nice menu for a restaurant that either does not have one or their menu does not look good. We have been working on it for 2 weeks now. The biggest challenge for me in this project is that we are working in InDesign and I am not familiar with this program. I am however learning how to use it. It’s hard but I’m learning it. I don’t enjoy this project as much as the others because I don’t like the program we are using and I am not as good at it. So far, I have done my sketches, made a paper grid, and finished one out of the two concepts we are doing.

Time Management

            In class I believe I used my time productively. There were times that it was easy to be distracted and off task, as well. I used the time in class to work on all the computer things because I don’t have that access at home but I can sketch at home. Staying productive when I finished early was harder for me because I didn’t really know what I could’ve been working on. Sometime I would ask a friend or two if they thought I could do anything to make my work better. Other times I would work on my Behance and make sure it is cleaned up. Outside of class I do not have much time to work on graphic design. Although sometimes I do come in before school starts to get a head start or to catch up on a project.

Strengths and Improvements

            My areas of strength in graphic design are finding inspiration, turning things in on time, and giving feedback when someone asks me. To maximize these strengths, I help people when they need help and I know how to help, and I also make sure I know the deadlines so that I can have my work in and ready to go. An area of improvement for me would be getting out of my comfort zone and asking for feedback for myself, and focusing on graphic design in my extra time. To improve this, I can go to someone else in the room for feedback, and I can listen to music so that I am not as easily distracted.


         What I loved most about this semester is the rebranding project. I thought it was a lot of fun and a good challenge. It wasn’t too easy or too hard. Also, making new friends in this class. Something I would change or do differently would be making an effort to stay on task better so that I can get the most done that I can. Overall, I think I learned a lot about the processes that come with graphic design and the steps involved in making a successful product. A goal I would set for next semester would be to find a project or something to do when my class work is all finished. I think graphic design in my most fun class and I enjoy it!