Friday, September 16, 2016

Name Typography

     The scope of this project was to portray the use of typography to represent a piece of our personality.

     The first step in this process was to make a list of different characteristics about myself. Once a list was written up, the next step was to sketch up 36 or more sketches. There was to be 12 total aspects when finished. During the process of actually creating the type we used Adobe Illustrator. We used fonts that we downloaded and manipulated them to make them original. For a lot of fonts we pulled in graphics and image traced them to incorporate the graphics to the type. After each of the 12 designs were complete it was time to print them off for critiques. We got our feedback and went back into Illustrator to clean up our work. When we had our final work done we made a final print. Once it was printed we cut them out and mounted them on a cut out piece of matboard.

     Technically speaking, I learned a lot about typography and how to make it more appealing than the default fonts. Also, I learned how to merge a graphic into a piece of the font. For collaboration, I learned the I need to branch out a bit more to get inspiration or feedback from classmates. It is also very easy to get behind if the deadlines are not met. Something I would do different is maybe come in outside of class to improve the softball design because it does not meet up with the standard I had for the other designs. I would continue to incorporate graphics into the letters of the designs because I think that helps tell what I'm trying to get across. To enhance my next project I will get up and ask more people for their opinion and critic rather than stay at my own computer.

     Overall, I think this project was very fun and I learned a lot about typography that I did not know. Also, I learned to make sure to be on time with the deadlines and not to fall behind in my work.