DubFresh - Making it Happen

DubFresh Commercial
Below is the commercial for our product. It tells a short story of a teenage boy who doesn't want to brush his teeth because it is boring and, to him, a waste of time. His mom introduces DubFresh to him and tells him that it plays music while you brush. He goes ahead and tries it out. At the end he turns out to love DubFresh and tells the audience to get their DubFresh today. The commercial's purpose is to prove to those watching that this is a great product and that it works perfectly. For filming the commercial, I took the role of lead director and story boarder.
In conclusion, I contributed to the packaging animation, directing the commercial, and creating the product logo. We used SketchUp to create all the animations, including the packaging design that I created. Collaboratively we needed to come up with a good commercial that would catch the attention of the teenage audience. We made that work by assigning certain roles for each person in our group.