Thursday, February 26, 2015

Final Interview

     Video in e-Comm was really fun this quarter!  We learned all sorts of things, such as, shortcut keys, different angle shots, the Six Shot System, and storyboarding.  I definitely had a really good experience on practicing collaboration with either a group or just simply one partner.  I also had opportunities to work on speaking in front of an audience.  This would be when we would present our videos.  Time management was also a big factor in video class.  In order to get the assignment finished on time you needed to stay focused while with your group and you also had to figure out a time out of class if you didn’t get a film completed in class.  The Six Shot System consists of the extra close-up (XCU), close-up (CU), medium (MS), over-the-shoulder (OTS), wide (WS), and extra wide (XWS) shots.  Overall, I believe this quarter in video was a great class and I enjoyed it very much!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Chase

        I learned that when doing a running scene or something like that, you should start running before you actually enter the shot because then it looks more realistic and like you’re actually being chased. I also learned that to get the project done you can’t mess around, you actually have to work to complete your work. For my next project I will make sure that all the shots are correctly angled and in the right position. Collaboration was different because you had to speak up when you had an idea and talk a lot more to agree on something like the storyline. Also, there were more people so there were more ideas said. When there are more ideas it makes it easier to figure out what to make the video project about. I think I collaborated pretty well, if I needed to improve anything about my collaboration it would probably just be more open to speaking ideas rather than just going with whatever.

Monday, February 2, 2015

ab sequence

I learned that time management is very important while taking videos.  Also that you need to know exactly what you're doing when you film.  In my next project I will manage my time better and make sure I know exactly what I'm doing in my videos.  Collaboration is working as a group and we had to apply this to our project by working together to complete our videos correctly and on time.