Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Orthogonal Cube

In e-Comm we've been doing a lot of color analysis and orthogonal cube projects.  Color is a big part in the way we design things like logos and things like that.  We watch videos about making better graphics and logos by using shapes like circles, triangles, and squares.  We learned what colors you should use for a certain type of logo or product.  There are a lot of things we've learned and still have to learn.   

Monday, September 29, 2014

My Logo

The letters 'MC' represent my initials for Megan Chrisco.  The first thing I thought I wanted for my logo was softball.  I thought this because I love softball and its been a part of me and my life forever.  So I decided to try to incorporate a softball bat, ball, and a base, in my logo to make it clear to the viewers that my logo shows that it's about softball.  The 'C' is yellow and has red stripes because it represents a softball.  The 'M' has a bat to represent another piece of equipment that softball players use and to make it more clear what the logo is about.  The outline is the shape of a pentagon which represents a home plate.  The whole logo represents that I play and love softball.

Color Wheel

In logos, colors are meant to show meaning and emotion.  Red usually means or shows fire, blood, war, danger, power, energy, etc.  Green shows sickness, nature, fresh, mint, and others.  Blue shows calmness, femininity, life, purity, peace, sky, loyalty, water, cold, depression, and again, others.  The main theme of yellow is optimism, orange is friendly, red is excitement, purple or violet is creative, blue is trust, green is peaceful, and chrome shows balance.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

My Personality Test

My personality test is ESFJ. The majority of that is feeling, which is at 50%. This means I'm a person who likes to help people out when they're in need. I also like to work with others to accomplish things. Not only am I warmhearted, I am a cooperative person as well.
I think my type description describes me very well.  The part that probably describes me the best is when it talks about taking care of people who need or want help.  I always love to help people and I feel like it's a need or something I just have to do.  So I think that part fits me really good.  One thing that I don't really think describes me is the judging. I don't really judge people very often.  My personality description does help me better understand why I am who I am.

Some ways my personality helps on teams and in my family would be when someone needs help, I can help them.  I always feel good when I know I helped someone out on something.  When it doesn't I'm kind of disappointed.  Some people have misunderstood me because they see how I willingly help people out.  Then sometimes other people start to think I don't care about myself at all when really I just put others before me and I always feel the need to help someone out before I think about myself.  I'm sure there are people in my life that either I don't understand them or the other way around because we have different personality types but I can't think of things that have been misunderstood.